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时间: 2024-09-20 10:03:26


1. We will need to discuss these issues separately before making a decision.(我们需要分别讨论这些问题,然后再做决定。)

2. The twins were born separately, with a few minutes' difference between their births.(这对双胞胎分别出生,两人的出生时间相差几分钟。)

3. I prefer to wash my whites and colors separately to prevent any color bleeding.(我喜欢把白色衣物和彩色衣物分开洗,以防止褪色。)

4. The teacher asked the students to work separately on their individual projects.(老师要求学生们分别独立完成自己的项目。)

5. The company's financial records are kept separately from the operational documents.(公司的财务记录与运营文件分开保存。)

6. Separately, they were both talented, but together, they were unstoppable.(独立来看,他们都很有天赋,但一起时,他们无法阻挡。)

7. The two countries agreed to handle the trade negotiations separately from the security discussions.(这两个国家同意将贸易谈判与安全讨论分开处理。)

8. The ingredients for the sauce should be prepared separately and then mixed together.(酱料的配料应该分别准备,然后混合在一起。)

9. The brothers chose to pursue their own careers separately, despite having worked together in the past.(这两兄弟选择分别追求自己的事业,尽管过去曾一起工作。)

10. The report will be presented separately to the board of directors and the shareholders.(这份报告将分别提交给董事会和股东。)

11. The museum displays the artifacts from different time periods separately in designated sections.(博物馆在特定区域分别陈列来自不同时期的文物。)

12. The hotel offers separate dining options for guests with dietary restrictions, such as a gluten-free menu.(酒店为有饮食限制的客人提供分别的餐饮选择,比如无麸质菜单。)

13. The teacher asked the students to solve the math problems separately and then compare their answers.(老师要求学生分别解决数学问题,然后比较他们的答案。)

14. The department store has separate departments for men's and women's clothing.(百货商店有男装和女装分别的部门。)

15. The team members worked separately on their assigned tasks and then came together to collaborate on the final project.(团队成员分别完成自己分配的任务,然后一起合作完成最终项目。)


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