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时间: 2024-09-20 11:20:56


1. The female lion is responsible for hunting and caring for the cubs.


2. In many species, the female is larger and more brightly colored than the male.


3. The female CEO is a powerful and influential figure in the business world.


4. The female athlete broke the world record in the 100-meter sprint.


5. The female doctor specializes in pediatric medicine.


6. Female mosquitoes are the ones that bite and spread diseases.


7. The female lead in the play delivered a powerful and emotional performance.


8. The female singer captivated the audience with her beautiful voice.


9. The female teacher is known for her patience and dedication to her students.


10. Female elephants live in matriarchal societies led by the oldest and wisest female.


11. The female protagonist in the novel overcomes many challenges to achieve her goals.


12. Female politicians are making strides in breaking the glass ceiling in government.


13. The female astronaut will be the first to walk on Mars.


14. The female scientist made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of genetics.


15. The female artist's paintings are known for their vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes.


16. Female dolphins are known for their strong social bonds and cooperative hunting.


17. The female police officer apprehended the suspect without hesitation.


18. The female engineer designed a revolutionary new type of renewable energy technology.


19. The female lawyer argued her case with intelligence and eloquence.


20. The female chef's culinary skills have earned her a Michelin star.


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