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时间: 2024-09-20 13:47:13


1. I have a short-term goal to lose 5 pounds before my vacation next month. (我有一个短期目标,在下个月度假前减掉5磅体重。)

2. The company is focusing on short-term profits rather than long-term sustainability. (公司着眼于短期利润而非长期可持续性。)

3. Taking a short-term loan can help cover unexpected expenses. (申请短期贷款可以帮助支付意外开支。)

4. She is working a short-term contract at the moment, but hopes to find a permanent position soon. (她目前在做一份短期合同工作,但希望能尽快找到一个长期的职位。)

5. I'm only planning a short-term stay in this city, just for a few months. (我只是计划在这个城市短期逗留,只有几个月。)

6. The short-term effects of the medication include dizziness and drowsiness. (这种药物的短期影响包括头晕和嗜睡。)

7. The short-term forecast predicts heavy rain and thunderstorms. (短期预测显示将有大雨和雷暴。)

8. Short-term memory is responsible for storing information for a brief period of time. (短期记忆负责存储信息一段短暂的时间。)

9. The short-term solution to the traffic congestion is to implement a new bus route. (缓解交通拥堵的短期解决方案是实施新的公交线路。)

10. She's taking a short-term course in digital marketing to improve her skills. (她正在参加一门短期的数字营销课程,以提高自己的技能。)

11. The short-term rental market is booming due to the increase in tourism. (由于旅游业的增长,短期租赁市场正在蓬勃发展。)

12. The short-term impact of the new policy is yet to be seen. (新政策的短期影响尚不明朗。)

13. We need to come up with a short-term solution to address the staffing shortage. (我们需要想出一个短期解决方案来解决人手短缺的问题。)

14. The short-term plan is to launch the product in the local market first before expanding nationally. (短期计划是先在本地市场推出产品,然后再进行全国扩张。)

15. He has a short-term memory loss condition, which makes it difficult for him to retain new information. (他有短期记忆丧失的情况,这使得他难以记住新的信息。)

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