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时间: 2024-09-20 08:53:02


1. The treasure was buried beneath the old oak tree. (宝藏被埋在古老的橡树下面。)

2. The truth lay hidden beneath layers of lies. (真相隐藏在层层谎言之下。)

3. The submarine dove beneath the surface of the ocean. (潜艇潜入海面下。)

4. Beneath his tough exterior, he was actually quite sensitive. (在他坚强的外表之下,其实他很敏感。)

5. The city's history is buried beneath layers of modern development. (这座城市的历史被现代发展的层层掩盖。)

6. She discovered a secret passage beneath the castle. (她发现了城堡下面的秘密通道。)

7. The truth lies beneath the surface. (真相隐藏在表面之下。)

8. Beneath the surface, the lake was teeming with life. (湖水下面隐藏着丰富的生命。)

9. Beneath the mask of indifference, she was actually deeply caring. (在冷漠的面具下,她其实是一个非常关心的人。)

10. The miners worked deep beneath the earth. (矿工们在地下深处工作。)

11. Beneath the anger, he was really just hurt. (愤怒的背后,他其实只是受伤了。)

12. The truth was hidden beneath a web of lies. (真相被一层层的谎言所掩盖。)

13. The city lies beneath the shadow of the mountain. (这座城市位于山的阴影之下。)

14. Beneath the surface, the water was crystal clear. (水面下,水清澈见底。)

15. Beneath the facade of success, he was struggling with personal issues. (在成功的外表之下,他在与个人问题挣扎。)

16. The sun sets beneath the horizon. (太阳在地平线下落。)

17. Beneath the noise of the city, there was a sense of peace. (在城市的喧嚣之下,有一种平静的感觉。)

18. The truth was buried deep beneath layers of deception. (真相被深深埋藏在层层欺骗之下。)

19. Beneath the surface, the ocean was a mysterious world. (水面下,海洋是一个神秘的世界。)

20. Beneath the calm exterior, there was a storm of emotions. (在平静的外表之下,是一场情感的风暴。)

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