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时间: 2024-09-20 11:19:53


1. The team worked together to coordinate their efforts and achieve their goal.


2. The government is working to coordinate relief efforts in the wake of the natural disaster.


3. Please coordinate with your colleagues to ensure that everyone is on the same page.


4. The project manager will coordinate the schedules of all the team members.


5. We need to coordinate our outfits for the party so that we all match.


6. The dance troupe performed a beautifully coordinated routine.


7. The two countries are working to coordinate their policies on trade and immigration.


8. The concert required the coordination of multiple musical instruments and performers.


9. She is responsible for coordinating the logistics of the event.


10. The coach's job is to coordinate the movements of the players on the field.


11. 他们需要协调好旅行的细节,以确保一切顺利。

(They need to coordinate the details of the trip to ensure everything goes smoothly.)

12. 这项任务需要团队成员之间的协调合作。

(This task requires coordination and cooperation among team members.)

13. 她负责协调会议的安排和组织。

(She is responsible for coordinating the arrangements and organization of the meeting.)

14. 他们的动作协调得非常漂亮,就像是一支默契的舞蹈队伍。

(Their movements were beautifully coordinated, like a well-rehearsed dance troupe.)

15. 这两个部门需要协调好工作计划,以避免冲突。

(These two departments need to coordinate their work schedules to avoid conflicts.)

16. 作为项目经理,她需要协调不同团队之间的工作进度和资源分配。

(As the project manager, she needs to coordinate the work progress and resource allocation between different teams.)

17. 在紧急情况下,我们需要协调好救援队伍的行动。

(In case of emergency, we need to coordinate the actions of the rescue teams.)

18. 他们需要协调好家庭生活和工作之间的平衡。

(They need to coordinate the balance between family life and work.)

19. 为了提高效率,我们需要协调好各个部门之间的合作。

(To improve efficiency, we need to coordinate cooperation between various departments.)

20. 这项任务需要团队成员之间的协调和沟通。

(This task requires coordination and communication among team members.)

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