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时间: 2024-09-20 11:31:50


1. The old building collapsed after the earthquake. (地震后,这座老建筑倒塌了。)

2. The company's stock price collapsed after the scandal. (公司的股价在丑闻曝光后崩溃了。)

3. The bridge collapsed under the weight of the heavy truck. (桥梁在重卡的重压下坍塌了。)

4. The economy is on the verge of collapse. (经济濒临崩溃。)

5. The collapse of the Soviet Union changed the global political landscape. (苏联的崩溃改变了全球的政治格局。)

6. The patient's condition suddenly collapsed, and he had to be rushed to the hospital. (病人的情况突然恶化,不得不立即送往医院。)

7. The stack of cards collapsed when I tried to build a house of cards. (我试图搭扑克牌屋时,牌堆倒塌了。)

8. The collapse of the company was a shock to everyone. (公司的倒闭对每个人都是一个震惊。)

9. The team's collapse in the final minutes of the game cost them the victory. (球队在比赛最后几分钟的崩溃让他们失去了胜利。)

10. The collapse of the housing market led to a nationwide economic crisis. (房地产市场的崩溃导致了全国性的经济危机。)

11. The roof of the old barn collapsed under the weight of the snow. (老谷仓的屋顶在雪的重压下坍塌了。)

12. The sudden collapse of the company left many employees without jobs. (公司的突然倒闭让许多员工失去了工作。)

13. The collapse of the marriage was a result of years of unresolved issues. (婚姻的瓦解是多年未解决问题的结果。)

14. The player collapsed on the field after being hit in the head. (球员在被击中头部后倒在了场上。)

15. The collapse of the negotiations was a setback for both parties. (谈判的破裂对双方都是一个挫折。)

16. The collapse of the building was caused by poor construction. (建筑的倒塌是由于施工不良造成的。)

17. The sudden collapse of the market took everyone by surprise. (市场的突然崩溃让每个人都感到吃惊。)

18. The collapse of the government led to widespread chaos. (政府的崩溃导致了广泛的混乱。)

19. The collapse of the relationship was a result of trust issues. (关系的瓦解是信任问题的结果。)

20. The roof collapsed under the weight of the heavy snow. (屋顶在大雪的重压下坍塌了。)

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