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时间: 2024-09-20 09:08:19


1. The corrupt government official was finally exposed and arrested.


2. The company was accused of corrupt business practices.


3. The corrupt police officer was involved in drug trafficking.


4. The corrupt mayor embezzled millions of dollars from the city's funds.


5. The corrupt system allowed for widespread bribery and extortion.


6. The corrupt judge accepted bribes in exchange for lenient sentences.


7. The corrupt politician was caught on tape accepting illegal campaign contributions.


8. The corrupt business owner manipulated financial records to evade taxes.


9. The corrupt official used his power to grant favors to his friends and family.


10. The corrupt regime oppressed its citizens and restricted their freedoms.


11. His corrupt behavior tarnished the reputation of the company.


12. The corrupt banker was found guilty of embezzlement and fraud.


13. The corrupt contractor cut corners and used substandard materials in the construction project.


14. The corrupt business practices led to the company's downfall.


15. The corrupt official was living a lavish lifestyle funded by bribes and kickbacks.


16. The corrupt police force turned a blind eye to organized crime in the city.


17. The corrupt politician was eventually impeached and removed from office.


18. The corrupt businessman was sentenced to prison for his fraudulent activities.


19. The corrupt official's actions had a detrimental impact on the community.


20. The corrupt organization was finally dismantled by law enforcement.


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