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时间: 2024-09-20 08:54:30


1. After a long day at work, there's nothing like the comfort of my own bed.


2. The soft, plush chair provided a great deal of comfort during the meeting.


3. He found comfort in the familiar smell of his mother's cooking.


4. The company of a good friend can bring great comfort during difficult times.


5. The cozy blanket provided warmth and comfort on the cold winter night.


6. The old man found comfort in reminiscing about his youth.


7. The therapist offered words of comfort to the grieving family.


8. Sometimes a simple hug can bring more comfort than words.


9. The familiar surroundings of home brought a sense of comfort to the weary traveler.


10. The soft, gentle music filled the room with a sense of comfort and peace.


11. She took comfort in knowing that her loved ones were safe and sound.


12. The warm cup of tea provided a sense of comfort on the chilly evening.


13. The familiar routine of her morning jog brought her comfort and stability.


14. The kind words of her mentor offered her comfort and reassurance.


15. The cozy fireplace provided a source of comfort on the cold winter nights.


16. The soft, fluffy pillows added to the overall comfort of the hotel room.


17. The familiar taste of her favorite food brought her comfort and joy.


18. The comforting embrace of her loved ones helped her through a difficult time.


19. The cozy, warm sweater provided a sense of comfort on the chilly day.


20. The familiar scent of her mother's perfume brought her comfort and nostalgia.


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