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时间: 2024-09-20 11:00:37


1. The company considered the interests of all stakeholders before making a decision.(公司在做决定之前考虑了所有利益相关者的利益。)

2. The stakeholders in the project include investors, employees, and local community members.(该项目的利益相关者包括投资者、员工和当地社区成员。)

3. It's important to engage with stakeholders to gather their input and feedback.(与利益相关者合作,收集他们的意见和反馈非常重要。)

4. The stakeholders' meeting was productive and allowed for open communication.(利益相关者会议很富有成效,有助于开放式交流。)

5. The company's success depends on maintaining positive relationships with its stakeholders.(公司的成功取决于与利益相关者保持良好的关系。)

6. The stakeholders had differing opinions on how to proceed with the project.(利益相关者对如何推进项目有不同的意见。)

7. The stakeholders were consulted before the new policy was implemented.(在实施新政策之前,利益相关者被征求了意见。)

8. The stakeholders' support is crucial for the success of the proposed changes.(利益相关者的支持对于提议的变革成功至关重要。)

9. The company's decision had a significant impact on its stakeholders.(公司的决定对其利益相关者产生了重大影响。)

10. The stakeholders were invited to provide input at the early stages of the project.(利益相关者被邀请在项目的早期阶段提供意见。)

11. The stakeholders' concerns were taken into consideration during the planning process.(在规划过程中考虑了利益相关者的关切。)

12. The stakeholders' satisfaction with the outcome was a priority for the project team.(利益相关者对结果的满意度是项目团队的首要任务。)

13. The company held a forum to address the concerns of its stakeholders.(公司举行了一个论坛,以解决其利益相关者的关切。)

14. The stakeholders were informed of the decision through a formal communication process.(利益相关者通过正式的沟通流程被告知了决定。)

15. The stakeholders' involvement in the decision-making process was crucial for ensuring transparency.(利益相关者参与决策过程对于确保透明度至关重要。)

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