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时间: 2024-09-20 11:36:51


1. I will start my homework after dinner. (我会在晚饭后开始做作业。)

2. The race will start at 9 am. (比赛将在上午9点开始。)

3. Let's start the meeting with a brief introduction. (让我们用简短的介绍开始会议。)

4. She will start her new job next week. (她下周将开始新工作。)

5. The movie will start in five minutes. (电影将在五分钟后开始。)

6. I need to start exercising more regularly. (我需要开始更加规律地锻炼。)

7. We should start saving money for our vacation. (我们应该开始为度假存钱。)

8. The concert will start in an hour. (音乐会将在一个小时后开始。)

9. I will start learning a new language this summer. (我将在今年夏天开始学习一门新语言。)

10. Let's start by reviewing the basics. (让我们从复习基础知识开始。)

11. The construction of the new building will start next month. (新建筑的施工将于下个月开始。)

12. I need to start eating healthier food. (我需要开始吃更健康的食物。)

13. The meeting will start promptly at 10 o'clock. (会议将准时在10点开始。)

14. The team will start training for the upcoming competition. (团队将开始为即将到来的比赛进行训练。)

15. Let's start the day with a positive attitude. (让我们以积极的态度开始一天。)

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