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时间: 2024-09-20 07:16:17


1. If you starve yourself, you will only end up feeling weak and unhealthy.(如果你饿着自己,最终只会感到虚弱和不健康。)

2. Many people in the world still starve due to lack of access to food.(世界上许多人因为无法获得食物而饥饿。)

3. The prisoners were deliberately starved as a form of punishment.(囚犯被故意饿着作为一种惩罚。)

4. It's important to feed the body regularly so that it doesn't starve.(定期给身体补充营养很重要,以免饿着。)

5. The famine caused many people to starve to death.(饥荒导致许多人饿死。)

6. Without proper nutrition, the body will begin to starve and deteriorate.(没有适当的营养,身体会开始饿死和恶化。)

7. The animals in the drought-stricken region were starting to starve.(干旱地区的动物开始挨饿。)

8. She refused to eat and began to starve herself as a way to cope with her emotions.(她拒绝进食,并开始饿着自己来应对情绪。)

9. The lack of rainfall caused the crops to wither, and the people began to starve.(降雨不足导致庄稼枯萎,人们开始挨饿。)

10. The refugees were forced to starve as they waited for aid to arrive.(难民们在等待援助到来时被迫挨饿。)

11. It's heartbreaking to see children starve in impoverished countries.(看到贫困国家的孩子挨饿令人心碎。)

12. The economic crisis led to many families having to starve in order to make ends meet.(经济危机导致许多家庭为了维持生计而不得不挨饿。)

13. The prisoners were deliberately starved by their captors.(囚犯被其控制者故意饿着。)

14. The drought caused the livestock to starve, leading to a loss of livelihood for many farmers.(干旱导致牲畜饿死,使许多农民失去了谋生的机会。)

15. The organization is working to provide food aid to the communities at risk of starving.(该组织正在努力为处于饥饿风险的社区提供食品援助。)

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