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时间: 2024-09-20 10:25:24


1. I love to sit by the stream and listen to the peaceful sound of flowing water.(我喜欢坐在小溪边,聆听流水的宁静声音。)

2. The company is working on developing a new streaming service for its customers.(公司正在开发一项新的流媒体服务,以满足客户的需求。)

3. We need to cross the stream to reach the other side of the forest.(我们需要渡过小溪才能到达森林的另一边。)

4. The movie is available for stream on various online platforms.(这部电影可以在各种在线平台上进行流媒体播放。)

5. The stream of visitors to the museum increased after the new exhibit was opened.(新展览开放后,前来参观博物馆的人流增加了。)

6. The fisherman cast his line into the stream, hoping for a big catch.(渔夫把鱼线抛向小溪,希望能有大的收获。)

7. The company's revenue stream has been steadily growing over the past year.(公司的收入来源在过去一年里持续增长。)

8. The children had a great time floating paper boats in the stream.(孩子们在小溪里放纸船玩得很开心。)

9. The live stream of the concert reached millions of viewers around the world.(音乐会的直播流观看人数达到了全球数百万人。)

10. A stream of cars flowed through the city streets during rush hour.(高峰时段,一辆辆汽车在城市街道上流动。)

11. She opened the faucet and a steady stream of water poured into the sink.(她打开水龙头,一股稳定的水流涌入了水槽。)

12. The company's goal is to tap into new revenue streams to support its expansion.(公司的目标是开发新的收入来源,以支持其扩张。)

13. The stream of data from the sensors provided valuable insights for the research project.(传感器传来的数据流为研究项目提供了宝贵的见解。)

14. We could hear the stream of laughter coming from the children playing in the park.(我们能听到来自公园里玩耍的孩子们的笑声。)

15. The live stream of the sports event was interrupted due to technical difficulties.(由于技术问题,体育赛事的直播流被中断了。)

上一个 【英语】streak的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】streamline的例句




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