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时间: 2024-09-20 13:58:02


1. I like to stretch every morning to loosen up my muscles before starting the day.(我喜欢每天早上做一些伸展运动,以放松肌肉,为新的一天做准备。)

2. The cat stretched out lazily in the sun.(猫懒洋洋地在阳光下舒展身体。)

3. Make sure to stretch your legs during the long flight to avoid stiffness.(确保在长途飞行中伸展双腿,以避免僵硬。)

4. The fabric should have enough stretch to allow for comfortable movement.(面料应该有足够的弹性,以便舒适地活动。)

5. She reached up and stretched to grab the book from the top shelf.(她伸手并伸展身体,从顶层书架上拿下书。)

6. The yoga instructor led the class through a series of stretching exercises.(瑜伽教练带领学生们进行了一系列的伸展运动。)

7. The company plans to stretch its operations into international markets.(公司计划将其业务拓展至国际市场。)

8. A good pair of running shoes should have enough stretch to accommodate different foot shapes.(一双好的跑鞋应该有足够的弹性,以适应不同的脚型。)

9. The road stretched out for miles, disappearing into the horizon.(道路一直延伸数英里,消失在地平线上。)

10. After the workout, remember to do some stretching to cool down your muscles.(锻炼后,记得做一些伸展运动来冷却肌肉。)

11. The deadline for the project has been stretched to allow for more time for completion.(项目的截止日期已延长,以便有更多时间完成。)

12. Her patience was stretched to its limit as she waited for the delayed flight.(她因等待延误的航班而耐心达到了极限。)

13. The elastic band has a lot of stretch, making it suitable for various applications.(这根弹性带有很大的伸缩性,适用于各种用途。)

14. The cat arched its back and stretched after waking up from a nap.(猫从小睡中醒来后,弓起背伸了个懒腰。)

15. The mountain range stretched across the entire horizon, creating a breathtaking view.(山脉绵延横跨整个地平线,构成了令人叹为观止的景色。)

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