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时间: 2024-09-20 10:12:22


1. In the chemical formula H2O, the "2" is a subscript indicating the number of hydrogen atoms.


2. The subscript in the equation denotes the concentration of the solution.


3. The subscript "n" represents the number of elements in the set.


4. Please write the chemical formula with the appropriate subscripts.


5. The subscript on the variable indicates its position in the array.


6. The subscript in the mathematical equation denotes the exponent.


7. The subscript "i" is used to identify the individual elements in the sequence.


8. The subscript "c" represents the speed of light in a vacuum.


9. The subscript "max" indicates the maximum value of the function.


10. In the chemical reaction, the subscript indicates the number of molecules involved.


11. The subscript "avg" denotes the average value of the variable.


12. The subscript "t" represents the time variable in the equation.


13. The subscript "k" is used to denote the rate constant in the reaction equation.


14. The subscript "pH" indicates the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration.


15. The subscript "sub" denotes the subset relationship between the two sets.


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