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时间: 2024-09-21 11:58:37


1. The movie was such a disappointment that I regretted spending money on it. (这部电影太令人失望了,我后悔花钱看它。)

2. She has such a beautiful voice that everyone stops to listen when she sings. (她的声音太美了,每当她唱歌时都会让所有人停下来听。)

3. It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors and avoid the heat. (那天太热了,我们决定呆在室内避免炎热。)

4. I have never seen such a cute puppy before! (我以前从未见过这么可爱的小狗!)

5. The food at the restaurant was such a delight that we went back the next day. (餐厅的食物太美味了,我们第二天又回去了。)

6. He is such a kind person that he is always willing to help others. (他是一个非常善良的人,总是愿意帮助别人。)

7. The view from the top of the mountain was such a breathtaking sight. (从山顶俯瞰的景色太美了,令人惊叹。)

8. I've never had such a difficult test in my life. (我这辈子从未遇到过这么难的考试。)

9. She is such a talented artist that her paintings sell for thousands of dollars. (她是一个非常有天赋的艺术家,她的画作能卖到几千美元。)

10. It was such a long journey that we were exhausted when we finally arrived. (旅途太长了,我们最终抵达时筋疲力尽。)

11. He made such a convincing argument that everyone in the room agreed with him. (他提出了一个非常有说服力的论点,屋里的每个人都同意了他的观点。)

12. The concert was such a success that they decided to add another show. (音乐会太成功了,他们决定再加演一场。)

13. I've never experienced such a strong earthquake before. (我以前从未经历过这么强烈的地震。)

14. She has such a cheerful personality that she brightens up everyone's day. (她的性格非常开朗,让每个人的日子都充满了阳光。)

15. It was such a surprise to see him at the party after all these years. (这么多年后在派对上见到他真是个惊喜。)

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