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时间: 2024-09-20 11:40:12


1. I felt so embarrassed when I tripped and fell in front of everyone.


2. She was embarrassed by her parents' behavior at the party.


3. I was embarrassed to realize I had been wearing my shirt inside out all day.


4. He felt embarrassed to admit that he had forgotten her name.


5. She was embarrassed to be caught singing in the shower.


6. I was so embarrassed when I accidentally called my teacher "mom" in class.


7. He was embarrassed by the attention he received after winning the race.


8. She was embarrassed to realize she had been talking loudly on her phone in a quiet library.


9. I felt embarrassed when I spilled my drink all over the restaurant table.


10. She was embarrassed by her lack of knowledge on the subject.


11. He was embarrassed to ask for help with such a simple task.


12. I was embarrassed to be the only one wearing a costume to the party.


13. She felt embarrassed when she realized she had been talking to the wrong person all along.


14. He was embarrassed by the mistake he made in front of his colleagues.


15. I was embarrassed to be caught singing and dancing in my room by my roommate.


16. She was embarrassed by the attention she received after her speech.


17. He felt embarrassed when he realized he had been wearing mismatched socks all day.


18. I was embarrassed to be the only one who didn't understand the joke.


19. She was embarrassed to admit that she had never learned how to ride a bike.


20. I felt embarrassed when I accidentally walked into the wrong classroom.


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