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时间: 2024-09-20 11:21:00


1. The beautiful music seemed to enchant everyone in the room.


2. The magician was able to enchant the audience with his amazing tricks.


3. The enchanting sunset painted the sky with a beautiful array of colors.


4. The fairy tales of old often involve enchantments and magical spells.


5. She had an enchanting smile that could light up a room.


6. The enchanting aroma of the flowers filled the garden.


7. The young girl was enchanted by the fairy tale her grandmother told her.


8. The enchanting melody of the song captivated the audience.


9. The enchanting beauty of the forest took my breath away.


10. The old castle was said to be under an enchantment, with ghosts and spirits haunting its halls.


11. 迷人的音乐使每个人都入迷了。

12. 魔术师用他惊人的把戏迷住了观众。

13. 迷人的日落用美丽的色彩装点了天空。

14. 古老的童话故事经常涉及魔法和魔法咒语。

15. 她有一个迷人的微笑,可以照亮整个房间。

16. 花朵散发出迷人的香气,充满了花园。

17. 那位年轻女孩被她奶奶讲的童话迷住了。

18. 歌曲迷人的旋律迷住了观众。

19. 森林迷人的美丽让我惊叹不已。

20. 据说那座古城堡被施了魔法,鬼魂和幽灵在其中游荡。

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