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时间: 2024-09-20 14:52:04


1. She is truly dedicated to her work, always going above and beyond what is expected. (她真心致力于工作,总是超出预期的表现。)

2. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience I have caused. (我真诚地为我造成的不便道歉。)

3. The beauty of the sunset was truly breathtaking. (日落的美景真是令人惊叹。)

4. He is truly talented in the art of storytelling. (他在讲故事的艺术上真是有天赋。)

5. I truly believe that honesty is the best policy. (我真心相信诚实是上策。)

6. It was a truly unforgettable experience. (那是一个真正难忘的经历。)

7. She is truly passionate about animal welfare. (她对动物福利真是充满激情。)

8. The movie was truly inspiring and uplifting. (这部电影真是鼓舞人心,令人振奋。)

9. I truly appreciate all the help you have given me. (我真心感激你给予我的所有帮助。)

10. The team's victory was truly well-deserved. (团队的胜利确实是当之无愧的。)

11. The concert was truly magical, with the audience completely captivated. (音乐会真是魔幻,观众完全被吸引住了。)

12. I truly believe that hard work pays off in the end. (我真心相信努力工作最终会有回报。)

13. He is truly dedicated to his family, always putting their needs first. (他对家庭真心尽责,总是把他们的需求放在第一位。)

14. The food at the restaurant was truly delicious, leaving us wanting more. (餐厅的食物真是美味,让我们垂涎欲滴。)

15. The kindness of the stranger was truly heartwarming, restoring my faith in humanity. (陌生人的善意真是温暖人心,让我重新对人性充满信心。)

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