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时间: 2024-09-20 16:21:36


1. I have two dogs, a golden retriever and a poodle.(我有两只狗,一只是金毛寻回犬,一只是贵宾犬。)

2. The store is only two blocks away from here.(这家商店离这里只有两个街区的距离。)

3. The twins are only two minutes apart in age.(这对双胞胎的年龄只相差两分钟。)

4. Two heads are better than one when solving a difficult problem.(解决难题时,两个人比一个人更聪明。)

5. The party was attended by only two people, which was disappointing.(参加派对的人只有两个,令人失望。)

6. The book is divided into two parts, the first part focusing on history and the second part on culture.(这本书分为两部分,第一部分关注历史,第二部分关注文化。)

7. We need two more chairs for the dinner table.(我们需要再添两把椅子来摆放餐桌。)

8. The team won the game by a margin of two points.(这个队以两分的优势赢得了比赛。)

9. The couple decided to spend two weeks in Europe for their honeymoon.(这对夫妇决定在欧洲度蜜月两周。)

10. The recipe calls for two cups of sugar.(这个食谱需要两杯糖。)

11. The twins always dress in matching outfits, making it easy to tell them apart.(这对双胞胎总是穿着相配的衣服,很容易区分。)

12. The meeting will be held in two days, so we need to prepare the agenda.(会议将在两天后举行,所以我们需要准备议程。)

13. The bus arrives at the station every two hours.(公交车每两个小时到一次车站。)

14. She has two brothers, one older and one younger.(她有两个兄弟,一个比她大,一个比她小。)

15. The company is considering two different marketing strategies for the new product.(公司正在考虑为新产品采用两种不同的营销策略。)

上一个 【英语】twist的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】two-thirds的例句




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