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时间: 2024-09-20 10:01:20


1. The actress wore a stunning velvet gown to the awards ceremony.(这位女演员在颁奖典礼上穿着一条令人惊艳的天鹅绒长裙。)

2. The velvet texture of the sofa made it feel luxurious and comfortable.(沙发的天鹅绒质地让人感觉奢华舒适。)

3. The velvet curtains in the theater added an elegant touch to the decor.(剧院里的天鹅绒窗帘为装饰增添了优雅的氛围。)

4. She ran her fingers over the soft velvet of the jewelry box.(她用手指轻轻地摸着珠宝盒上柔软的天鹅绒。)

5. The velvet ribbon tied around the gift box gave it a festive look.(系在礼物盒上的天鹅绒丝带让它看起来很节日气氛。)

6. The velvet painting on the wall depicted a serene countryside scene.(墙上的天鹅绒画描绘了一个宁静的乡村场景。)

7. The warmth of the velvet blanket kept her cozy on cold winter nights.(天鹅绒毯子的温暖让她在寒冷的冬夜里感到舒适。)

8. The velvet upholstery on the chairs added a touch of elegance to the dining room.(椅子上的天鹅绒装饰为餐厅增添了一丝优雅。)

9. The soft velvet lining of the jewelry box protected the precious contents inside.(珠宝盒内部柔软的天鹅绒衬里保护着珍贵的物品。)

10. The rich red velvet drapes gave the room a regal atmosphere.(浓郁的红色天鹅绒窗帘为房间增添了一种皇家氛围。)

11. The velvet touch of her voice soothed his troubled mind.(她嗓音中的天鹅绒般的温柔使他的心头烦躁得到了安慰。)

12. The velvet petals of the rose felt velvety smooth against her skin.(玫瑰花的天鹅绒般的花瓣在她的皮肤上感觉光滑柔软。)

13. The velvet texture of the cake made it a decadent treat.(蛋糕的天鹅绒质地使它成为一种奢华的美食享受。)

14. She loved the feel of velvet against her fingertips, finding it both luxurious and comforting.(她喜欢用手指触摸天鹅绒,觉得它既奢华又舒适。)

15. The velvet ribbon tied around the old love letters was a reminder of a past romance.(系在旧情书上的天鹅绒丝带是对过去浪漫的回忆。)

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