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时间: 2024-09-20 11:11:47


1. The scientist tested her hypothesis by conducting a series of experiments.


2. The hypothesis that increasing the amount of fertilizer would lead to larger crop yields was proven to be true.


3. The researchers formulated a hypothesis to explain the unexpected results of their study.


4. The hypothesis that exercise improves mental health is supported by numerous studies.


5. The hypothesis that the new drug would reduce the symptoms of the disease was not supported by the clinical trial results.


6. The hypothesis was based on previous research findings and logical reasoning.


7. The scientist's hypothesis was rejected after the data did not support it.


8. The hypothesis that people with higher levels of education have better job opportunities was confirmed by the study.


9. The hypothesis proposed by the student was creative and thought-provoking.


10. The hypothesis is the starting point for any scientific investigation.


11. 他们提出了一个假设来解释这一现象。

(They put forward a hypothesis to explain the phenomenon.)

12. 这一假设需要进一步的实验来验证。

(This hypothesis needs further experiments to verify.)

13. 他们的研究基于一个假设,即生活方式会影响健康。

(Their research is based on a hypothesis that lifestyle affects health.)

14. 这个假设在实验中得到了充分的支持。

(This hypothesis was well supported by the experiments.)

15. 他们的假设被证明是错误的。

(Their hypothesis was proven to be wrong.)

16. 这个假设还需要更多的数据来加以验证。

(This hypothesis needs more data to be validated.)

17. 我们需要更多的证据来支持这一假设。

(We need more evidence to support this hypothesis.)

18. 这个假设是我们研究的基础。

(This hypothesis is the foundation of our study.)

19. 这一假设提供了一个新的视角来解释这一现象。

(This hypothesis provides a new perspective to explain the phenomenon.)

20. 他们的假设被证实是正确的。

(Their hypothesis was confirmed to be correct.)

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