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时间: 2024-09-20 06:48:19


1. The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. (从山顶看下去的景色令人叹为观止。)

2. We had a beautiful view of the ocean from our hotel room. (我们从酒店房间里可以欣赏到美丽的海景。)

3. The panoramic view of the city skyline was amazing. (城市天际线的全景视野令人惊叹。)

4. She had a different view on the matter. (她对这件事有不同的看法。)

5. The view of the sunset over the lake was stunning. (湖边日落的景色令人震撼。)

6. The political party has a liberal view on immigration. (这个政党对移民有自由主义的观点。)

7. From my point of view, the decision was the right one. (从我的角度来看,这个决定是正确的。)

8. The view from the bridge was obstructed by the fog. (桥上的视野被雾气遮挡了。)

9. In my view, this is the best restaurant in town. (在我看来,这是镇上最好的餐馆。)

10. The artist's view of the world was reflected in his paintings. (艺术家对世界的观点在他的画作中得到了体现。)

11. We need to consider the long-term view when making this decision. (在做出这个决定时,我们需要考虑长远的观点。)

12. The view of the garden from the kitchen window was delightful. (从厨房窗户望出去,花园的景色令人愉悦。)

13. The company has a strategic view for expansion into international markets. (公司对国际市场扩张有战略性的观点。)

14. The view of the countryside was picturesque. (乡间的景色如画般美丽。)

15. The scientist's view of climate change is based on extensive research. (科学家对气候变化的观点基于广泛的研究。)

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