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时间: 2024-09-20 11:22:03


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "young," along with their Chinese translations:

1. She is still young and full of energy. 她还年轻,充满了活力。

2. The young boy asked many questions during the class. 那个年幼的男孩在课堂上问了很多问题。

3. They were childhood friends who grew up together from a young age. 他们是从小一起长大的童年朋友。

4. The young trees planted last year are already bearing fruit. 去年种植的幼树已经结果了。

5. He is a talented young artist who has exhibited his work internationally. 他是一位有才华的年轻艺术家,曾在国际上展出过作品。

6. Many young people dream of traveling the world. 许多年轻人梦想环游世界。

7. The movie resonated with young audiences around the globe. 这部电影在全球年轻观众中引起了共鸣。

8. As a young entrepreneur, she founded her own tech startup. 作为一名年轻的企业家,她创立了自己的科技初创公司。

9. He has a young and dynamic leadership style. 他有一种年轻而富有活力的领导风格。

10. The young athlete broke the world record in swimming. 这位年轻运动员在游泳比赛中打破了世界纪录。

11. The young couple moved into their first home together. 这对年轻夫妇搬进了他们的第一个家。

12. She started learning the piano at a young age and became a skilled musician. 她从小就开始学习钢琴,并成为了一名技艺精湛的音乐家。

13. The young novelist won numerous awards for her debut novel. 这位年轻小说家因其处女作获得了多个奖项。

14. The university offers scholarships to young students with exceptional academic achievements. 该大学为成绩优秀的年轻学生提供奖学金。

15. The organization focuses on mentoring young leaders in developing countries. 这个组织专注于指导发展中国家的年轻领袖。


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