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时间: 2024-09-20 14:21:49



1. The temperature dropped to zero last night. (昨晚温度降到了零度。)

2. She had zero interest in participating in the project. (她对参与这个项目毫无兴趣。)

3. Zero tolerance policies aim to eliminate certain behaviors entirely. (零容忍政策旨在彻底消除某些行为。)

4. The chances of success were close to zero. (成功的机会接近于零。)

5. He scored zero in the last exam. (他在上次考试中得了零分。)

6. Their performance was rated zero by the judges. (他们的表演被评为零分。)

7. The scale ranged from zero to ten. (评分从零到十。)

8. She felt like a zero after her presentation didn't go well. (她觉得在演讲没有成功后一文不值。)

9. The new policy reduced their expenses to zero. (新政策将他们的开支降低到了零。)

10. His contributions to the project were close to zero. (他对这个项目的贡献几乎为零。)

11. The clock showed exactly zero minutes remaining. (时钟显示剩余时间正好是零分钟。)

12. Zero is the starting point for counting in many cultures. (零是许多文化中计数的起点。)

13. The computer program returned zero errors. (计算机程序返回零个错误。)

14. She realized she had zero chances of convincing him. (她意识到她毫无可能说服他。)

15. The probability of winning the lottery is practically zero. (中彩票的概率几乎为零。)


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