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时间: 2024-09-20 08:45:31



1. He lived in abject poverty, unable to afford even basic necessities. (他生活在赤贫中,连基本的生活必需品都买不起。)

2. The refugees were living in abject misery, with no access to clean water or proper sanitation. (难民们生活在极度的苦难中,无法获得清洁水和适当的卫生条件。)

3. She endured years of abject loneliness after her husband passed away. (丈夫去世后,她经历了多年的极度孤独。)

4. The team suffered an abject defeat in the final game of the season. (球队在赛季最后一场比赛中遭受了惨重的失败。)

5. The dictator's rule plunged the country into abject fear and oppression. (独裁者的统治使这个国家陷入了极度的恐惧和压迫。)

6. He apologized in abject terms, begging for forgiveness. (他以极为谦卑的方式道歉,乞求原谅。)

7. The abandoned animals were found in an abject state, starving and injured. (这些被遗弃的动物被发现时处于极其悲惨的状态,饥饿和受伤。)

8. Their once proud family name had fallen into abject disrepute. (他们曾经引以为豪的家族名声沦落到了极度的不光彩。)

9. The film portrays the abject conditions faced by migrant workers in the city. (这部电影描述了城市中移民工人所面临的极度困苦的生活条件。)

10. He was treated with abject cruelty during his time as a prisoner. (他在作为囚犯的时候遭受了极度的残忍对待。)

11. The company's abject failure to deliver on its promises led to widespread disappointment. (公司对未能实现承诺的极度失败导致了广泛的失望。)

12. The homeless people were living in abject squalor on the streets. (无家可归者在街头生活在极度肮脏的环境中。)

13. Despite his abject lack of experience, he was determined to succeed in his new role. (尽管他经验严重不足,但他决心在新角色中取得成功。)

14. The villagers faced abject hunger after the crops failed for the third consecutive year. (村民们在作物连续三年歉收后面临极度的饥饿。)

15. She was filled with abject horror when she realized what had happened. (当她意识到发生了什么事情时,她充满了极度的恐惧。)


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