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时间: 2024-09-20 10:09:09



1. Food additives are often used to enhance flavor or extend shelf life.(食品添加剂通常用于增强味道或延长保质期。)

2. The company claims that their product is free from artificial additives.(该公司声称他们的产品不含人工添加剂。)

3. Additive manufacturing allows for the creation of complex shapes with precision.(增材制造技术允许精确制造复杂形状。)

4. Some medications contain additives to improve taste or stability.(一些药物含有添加剂以改善口味或稳定性。)

5. Additive effects of the drugs caused unexpected side effects.(药物的叠加效应导致了意想不到的副作用。)

6. The engineer explained the additive properties of the new material.(工程师解释了新材料的附加特性。)

7. He found the additive inverse of the number by subtracting it from zero.(他通过从零中减去该数找到了其加法逆元。)

8. The painting process involved additive color mixing to achieve the desired hues.(绘画过程中使用增色混合以达到所需的色调。)

9. Additive genetic variance contributes to the diversity within a population.(增加性遗传方差对种群内的多样性有贡献。)

10. She used an additive approach to combine different elements in her design.(她在设计中采用了增加性方法来结合不同的元素。)

11. The teacher emphasized the additive nature of cumulative learning.(老师强调了累积学习的增加性质。)

12. Fuel additives are used to improve engine performance.(燃料添加剂用于提高发动机性能。)

13. The company follows strict guidelines regarding chemical additives in their products.(该公司在产品中的化学添加剂方面遵循严格的指导方针。)

14. Additive synthesis involves combining waveforms to create complex sounds.(增加合成涉及将波形结合以创建复杂的声音。)

15. The researchers studied the additive effect of different pollutants on air quality.(研究人员研究了不同污染物对空气质量的叠加效应。)


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