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时间: 2024-09-20 07:36:04



1. She is adept at playing the piano and often performs at concerts. (她在弹钢琴方面非常精通,经常在音乐会上表演。)

2. He is adept at solving complex mathematical problems. (他擅长解决复杂的数学问题。)

3. The chef is adept at creating exquisite desserts. (这位厨师擅长制作精致的甜点。)

4. Sarah is adept at managing difficult situations calmly. (萨拉擅长冷静地处理困难情况。)

5. The team of engineers is adept at designing sustainable buildings. (这支工程师团队擅长设计可持续发展的建筑。)

6. He is adept at negotiating contracts that benefit both parties. (他擅长谈判双方受益的合同。)

7. The artist is adept at capturing the beauty of nature in his paintings. (这位艺术家擅长在画作中捕捉自然之美。)

8. She is adept at speaking multiple languages fluently. (她精通多种语言,能够流利交流。)

9. The gymnast is adept at performing intricate routines with ease. (这位体操运动员能够轻松地表演复杂的动作组合。)

10. He is adept at adapting to new technologies quickly. (他擅长迅速适应新技术。)

11. The researcher is adept at analyzing data and drawing meaningful conclusions. (这位研究员善于分析数据并得出有意义的结论。)

12. Sarah is adept at handling customer complaints diplomatically. (萨拉善于委婉地处理客户投诉。)

13. The detective is adept at solving mysteries using deductive reasoning. (这位侦探擅长运用演绎推理解决谜团。)

14. He is adept at mentoring young professionals in their career development. (他擅长指导年轻专业人士在职业发展中成长。)

15. The teacher is adept at engaging students in lively classroom discussions. (这位老师善于让学生参与活跃的课堂讨论。)


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