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时间: 2024-09-20 12:07:56



1. The general countermanded the previous order to advance and instead ordered his troops to retreat. (将军取消了前令前进的命令,改为命令部队撤退。)

2. The CEO countermanded the decision to launch the new product due to market conditions. (CEO因市场条件而取消了推出新产品的决定。)

3. The governor countermanded the evacuation order once the storm changed direction. (风暴改变方向后,州长取消了疏散命令。)

4. The judge had to countermand his earlier ruling when new evidence came to light. (法官在发现新证据后不得不取消他之前的裁决。)

5. The president countermanded the ambassador's statement to avoid diplomatic conflict. (总统取消了大使的声明,以避免外交冲突。)

6. The professor countermanded the assignment deadline to give students more time to prepare. (教授取消了作业的截止日期,以便学生有更多时间准备。)

7. The captain countermanded the order to set sail due to the approaching storm. (船长因为即将来临的风暴取消了出航的命令。)

8. The director countermanded the casting decision after reviewing the audition tapes. (导演在审查试镜录像后取消了演员选择的决定。)

9. The committee decided to countermand the policy after receiving feedback from stakeholders. (委员会在收到利益相关者的反馈后决定取消这项政策。)

10. The airline had to countermand the flight schedule due to mechanical issues. (航空公司因机械故障不得不取消航班计划。)

11. The police chief countermanded the order to use tear gas during the peaceful protest. (警察局长取消了在和平抗议中使用催泪瓦斯的命令。)

12. The mayor countermanded the decision to close the park after public outcry. (市长取消了关闭公园的决定,因为公众强烈抗议。)

13. The coach countermanded the substitution after reconsidering the team's strategy. (教练重新考虑球队战略后取消了换人的决定。)

14. The editor countermanded the publication of the article due to factual inaccuracies. (编辑因事实错误取消了文章的发表。)

15. The landlord countermanded the eviction notice once the tenant paid the rent arrears. (房东在租客支付了拖欠的租金后取消了驱逐通知。)


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