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时间: 2024-09-20 12:08:47



1. The caterpillar elongates its body to reach the leaf. (毛毛虫伸长身体去够到叶子。)

2. She elongated her stride to catch up with the others. (她加大步伐赶上了其他人。)

3. The artist elongated the figure in her painting for dramatic effect. (艺术家在她的画中拉长了人物的身形以增强戏剧效果。)

4. Certain fish species have an elongated shape to help them swim faster. (某些鱼类因身形延长能够更快地游动。)

5. The road had to be elongated to connect the two towns. (为了连接两个城镇,道路必须延长。)

6. The yoga instructor encouraged her students to elongate their spines during the stretching exercises. (瑜伽教练鼓励学生在伸展运动中拉长他们的脊柱。)

7. The snake elongated itself as it prepared to strike. (蛇在准备攻击时拉长了身体。)

8. His speech was elongated by frequent interruptions. (他的演讲因频繁中断而延长了。)

9. The gymnast elongated her body to achieve a perfect split. (体操运动员拉长身体以完成完美的劈叉。)

10. The bridge was elongated to span the river. (为了横跨这条河流,桥梁被拉长了。)

11. The plane elongated its descent to ensure a smooth landing. (飞机拉长了下降距离以确保平稳降落。)

12. In medieval times, elongated skulls were considered a mark of nobility. (在中世纪,拉长的头骨被认为是贵族的标志。)

13. The rocket elongated its trajectory to avoid collision with space debris. (火箭拉长了其轨迹以避免与太空碎片碰撞。)

14. The designer elongated the sleeves of the dress for a more elegant look. (设计师把裙子的袖子拉长,使其看起来更加优雅。)

15. She elongated her goodbye, reluctant to leave her friends. (她延长了告别,不舍得离开她的朋友们。)


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