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时间: 2024-09-20 08:36:32



1. The irregular shape of the rock made it difficult to stack.

- 这块石头不规则的形状使得堆放变得困难。

2. She has an irregular heartbeat that requires monitoring.

- 她的心跳不规则,需要监测。

3. The company faces irregular cash flow due to seasonal fluctuations.

- 由于季节性波动,公司面临不规律的现金流。

4. The pattern on the fabric is irregular and unique.

- 织物上的图案不规则且独特。

5. The patient was diagnosed with an irregular bone growth.

- 患者被诊断出有不规则的骨骼生长。

6. His attendance at work was irregular, which affected his performance reviews.

- 他工作时的不规律出勤影响了他的绩效评估。

7. The irregular arrangement of the chairs made the room look chaotic.

- 椅子的不规则摆放使房间看起来很混乱。

8. The weather patterns this year have been highly irregular.

- 今年的天气模式非常不规律。

9. The irregular surface of the terrain made hiking challenging.

- 地形的不规则表面使徒步旅行具有挑战性。

10. The artist used irregular brushstrokes to create a sense of movement.

- 艺术家使用不规则的笔触来创造运动感。

11. Irregular verbs in English often do not follow standard conjugation rules.

- 英语中的不规则动词通常不遵循标准的变位规则。

12. The irregular spacing of the tiles created a visually interesting effect.

- 瓷砖的不规则间距创造了一个视觉上有趣的效果。

13. Her sleep schedule has become irregular due to her hectic work hours.

- 由于工作时间紧张,她的睡眠时间表变得不规律。

14. The map showed an irregular coastline with many bays and peninsulas.

- 地图显示了一个不规则的海岸线,有许多海湾和半岛。

15. The team encountered irregular patterns in the data that suggested anomalies.

- 团队在数据中遇到了不规则的模式,这表明存在异常情况。

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