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时间: 2024-09-21 12:01:59


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "interpersonal" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Effective interpersonal skills are crucial in building strong professional relationships.

- 有效的人际交往能力在建立良好的职业关系中至关重要。

2. Her interpersonal communication improved significantly after attending the workshop.

- 她参加研讨会后, 人际交往能力显著提高了。

3. Teamwork often relies on good interpersonal dynamics among team members.

- 团队合作往往依赖于团队成员之间良好的人际动态。

4. Jane's interpersonal sensitivity helps her navigate complex social situations gracefully.

- 简的人际敏感性帮助她优雅地应对复杂的社交场合。

5. The success of the project was largely due to the strong interpersonal bonds within the team.

- 项目的成功很大程度上归功于团队内部强大的人际关系。

6. He has been praised for his exceptional interpersonal skills, which make him an effective leader.

- 他因出色的人际交往能力而受到称赞, 这使他成为了一名高效的领导者。

7. The new manager is working on improving her interpersonal interactions with the team.

- 新经理正在努力改善与团队的人际互动。

8. Interpersonal conflicts can arise when there is a lack of clear communication.

- 缺乏清晰沟通时可能会产生人际冲突。

9. Developing strong interpersonal relationships is essential for personal and professional growth.

- 建立强大的人际关系对个人和职业成长至关重要。

10. His calm demeanor contributes to his strong interpersonal presence in meetings.

- 他镇定的态度有助于他在会议中展现出强大的人际影响力。

11. Cultural differences can sometimes create challenges in interpersonal communication.

- 文化差异有时会在人际交往中造成挑战。

12. She received training to enhance her interpersonal skills, especially in conflict resolution.

- 她接受了培训以增强她的人际交往能力, 尤其是在解决冲突方面。

13. The organization values employees who demonstrate strong interpersonal competencies.

- 组织重视展示出强大人际能力的员工。

14. Interpersonal trust is crucial for building a cohesive team environment.

- 人际信任对于建立团结的团队环境至关重要。

15. The workshop focused on improving interpersonal communication through active listening techniques.

- 研讨会侧重于通过积极倾听技巧来改善人际交流。


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