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时间: 2024-09-21 10:23:03


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "permeate" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The smell of fresh bread permeated the bakery. (新鲜面包的香气弥漫在面包店里。)

2. His words were intended to permeate hope among the refugees. (他的话意在给难民们带来希望。)

3. The music permeated every corner of the room. (音乐渗透到房间的每一个角落。)

4. The cold air permeated through the old windows. (寒冷的空气透过旧窗户渗透进来。)

5. Joy permeated her entire being upon hearing the news. (听到这个消息后,喜悦充满了她的整个存在。)

6. Corruption has permeated every level of government. (腐败已经渗透到政府的各个层面。)

7. The influence of Greek culture permeated throughout the ancient world. (希腊文化的影响渗透到了古代世界各地。)

8. His kindness permeated even the toughest hearts. (他的善良感染了甚至最坚强的心灵。)

9. The principles of democracy permeate our society. (民主的原则渗透到了我们的社会。)

10. The feeling of nostalgia permeates the entire novel. (怀旧的情感贯穿整部小说。)

11. The scent of flowers permeated the garden after the rain. (雨后,花香弥漫在花园里。)

12. His optimism permeated his approach to every challenge. (他的乐观主义贯穿他对每一个挑战的应对方式。)

13. The aroma of spices permeated the kitchen. (香料的香气弥漫在厨房里。)

14. A sense of fear permeated the atmosphere as the storm approached. (随着风暴的临近,一种恐惧感弥漫在空气中。)

15. The company’s commitment to sustainability permeates all aspects of its operations. (公司对可持续发展的承诺渗透到了其运营的各个方面。)


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