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时间: 2024-09-21 10:35:39



1. The author added a thoughtful postface to the novel, reflecting on the themes explored throughout the book. (作者在小说中加入了一篇深思熟虑的后记,反映了整本书探讨的主题。)

2. In the postface, the historian provided additional context for the events described in the main text. (历史学家在后记中为主文描述的事件提供了额外的背景信息。)

3. The poet used the postface to express gratitude to those who supported the publication of her collection. (诗人利用后记来感谢那些支持她诗集出版的人。)

4. This edition includes a postface written by a contemporary scholar, offering fresh insights into the classic text. (这个版本包括一篇由当代学者撰写的后记,为经典文本提供了新的见解。)

5. The postface serves as a conclusion to the author's arguments, summarizing key points and proposing further research directions. (后记作为作者论点的总结,概述了关键点,并提出了进一步的研究方向。)

6. Readers often find the postface to be as enlightening as the main text, providing personal reflections and anecdotes. (读者常常觉得后记同样富有启发性,提供了个人反思和轶事。)

7. The postface of the autobiography revealed details about the author's life that were not covered in the earlier chapters. (自传的后记揭示了作者生活中在早期章节中没有涉及的细节。)

8. The postface offers a glimpse into the author's creative process, explaining how the story evolved over time. (后记展示了作者创作过程的一瞥,解释了故事随时间推移而演变的过程。)

9. In his postface, the philosopher delved deeper into the philosophical implications of his theories. (哲学家在后记中更深入地探讨了他理论的哲学含义。)

10. The postface includes a series of letters exchanged between the author and his editor during the book's production. (后记包括作者与编辑在书籍制作过程中交换的一系列信件。)

11. Readers often turn to the postface for the author's reflections on the reception of the book since its publication. (读者经常翻阅后记,以了解作者对书籍自出版以来的反响的反思。)

12. The postface clarifies some of the ambiguities left unresolved in the main text of the novel. (后记澄清了小说主文中一些未解决的含糊不清之处。)

13. The postface acts as a coda, offering final thoughts on the themes explored throughout the book. (后记作为尾声,提供了对整本书探讨的主题的最终思考。)

14. This edition's postface includes an interview with the author, shedding light on the inspiration behind the book. (这个版本的后记包括一次与作者的访谈,揭示了书籍背后的灵感。)

15. The postface is written in a more conversational tone, contrasting with the formal style of the main text. (后记以更加会话的语气书写,与主文的正式风格形成对比。)


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