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时间: 2024-09-21 07:57:43



1. "The government's efforts to reduce recidivism include rehabilitation programs and job training." (政府减少再犯率的努力包括康复计划和职业培训。)

2. "High recidivism rates among young offenders highlight the need for effective youth rehabilitation programs." (年轻罪犯的高再犯率突显了有效的青少年康复计划的必要性。)

3. "The study found a correlation between recidivism and lack of community support after release." (研究发现,释放后缺乏社区支持与再犯率有关。)

4. "Educational programs in prisons have been shown to reduce recidivism rates." (监狱里的教育项目已被证明能够降低再犯率。)

5. "Recidivism poses a significant challenge to the criminal justice system." (再犯率对刑事司法系统构成了重大挑战。)

6. "The parole board considers several factors when assessing an inmate's risk of recidivism." (假释委员会在评估犯人再犯风险时考虑了几个因素。)

7. "A comprehensive approach is needed to address the underlying causes of recidivism." (需要采取全面的方法来解决再犯率的根本原因。)

8. "Studies show that recidivism rates vary widely depending on the type of offense and the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs." (研究显示,再犯率根据犯罪类型和康复项目的效果有很大的变化。)

9. "Reducing recidivism requires collaboration between law enforcement, social services, and community organizations." (减少再犯率需要执法部门、社会服务机构和社区组织之间的合作。)

10. "Successful reintegration into society is crucial in preventing recidivism." (成功重新融入社会对预防再犯至关重要。)

11. "Recidivism rates tend to be higher among individuals with substance abuse problems." (有药物滥用问题的个体再犯率往往较高。)

12. "Employment opportunities play a key role in reducing recidivism." (就业机会在减少再犯率中起着关键作用。)

13. "Longer sentences alone do not necessarily reduce recidivism." (仅仅加长刑期不一定能减少再犯率。)

14. "Addressing mental health issues is essential in tackling recidivism." (解决心理健康问题对应对再犯率至关重要。)

15. "Community support programs have been effective in lowering recidivism rates in certain regions." (社区支持计划在某些地区降低了再犯率。)


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