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时间: 2024-09-21 10:11:39


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "subliminal" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Subliminal messages in advertising can influence consumer behavior without conscious awareness. (广告中的潜意识信息可以在人们不自觉的情况下影响消费者行为。)

2. The movie director inserted subliminal images that flashed across the screen for a fraction of a second. (电影导演插入了几乎一瞬间出现在屏幕上的潜意识影像。)

3. Some believe that subliminal perception affects our decision-making more than we realize. (有些人认为潜意识知觉对我们的决策影响远比我们意识到的要大。)

4. The artist used subliminal symbolism in his paintings, conveying deeper meanings to observant viewers. (这位艺术家在他的画作中运用了潜意识象征,向敏锐的观众传达更深层的意义。)

5. Studies have shown that subliminal messaging can subtly alter perceptions of taste and preference. (研究表明,潜意识信息可以微妙地改变口味和偏好的感知。)

6. The novel employed subliminal themes of loss and redemption that resonated with readers on a subconscious level. (这部小说运用了关于失落和救赎的潜意识主题,与读者的潜意识共鸣。)

7. Companies sometimes use subliminal colors and designs in their packaging to evoke certain emotions. (公司有时在包装上使用潜意识的颜色和设计,来唤起特定的情感。)

8. Subliminal cues can prime individuals to behave in ways they might not consciously intend. (潜意识线索可以引导个人表现出他们可能并非有意识打算的行为。)

9. The speaker used subliminal techniques to build rapport with the audience, subtly influencing their opinions. (演讲者运用了潜意识技巧与观众建立关系,潜移默化地影响他们的观点。)

10. Some argue that subliminal messaging is unethical because it manipulates individuals without their awareness. (有人认为潜意识信息是不道德的,因为它在人们不知情的情况下操控他们。)

11. The filmmaker incorporated subliminal sounds that added to the eerie atmosphere of the horror movie. (电影制片人加入了潜意识声音,增添了恐怖电影的怪异气氛。)

12. Subliminal advertising techniques have been debated for their potential impact on consumer decision-making. (关于潜意识广告技术对消费者决策的潜在影响,一直存在争议。)

13. Psychologists study how subliminal stimuli can affect emotional responses without conscious awareness. (心理学家研究潜意识刺激如何在没有意识到的情况下影响情绪反应。)

14. The author subtly wove subliminal messages into the narrative, leaving readers with lingering thoughts. (作者巧妙地将潜意识信息融入叙事中,使读者留下了细细思索的心情。)

15. Subliminal conditioning can shape preferences over time through repeated exposure to certain stimuli. (潜意识条件反射可以通过对特定刺激的反复暴露,随着时间的推移塑造偏好。)


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