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时间: 2024-09-20 13:55:45



1. The subacid taste of the apple made it perfect for baking pies.(这个苹果的轻微酸味使它非常适合做馅饼。)

2. She enjoyed the subacid tang of the yogurt with her breakfast.(她喜欢在早餐时享用酸奶的轻微酸味。)

3. The wine had a subacid finish that complemented the rich flavors of the meal.(这款酒的尾韵带有轻微的酸味,与丰富的菜肴口味相得益彰。)

4. Subacid fruits like strawberries and raspberries are popular for their balanced sweetness and slight tartness.(草莓和覆盆子等轻微酸味的水果因其平衡的甜度和轻微的酸味而受到欢迎。)

5. The chef added a subacid dressing to the salad to enhance its flavors.(厨师在沙拉中加入了轻微酸味的调味料,以增强其口味。)

6. This type of orange has a subacid flavor profile that is less tart than others.(这种橙子具有轻微酸味的口味特征,比其他品种的橙子更不酸。)

7. Subacid grapes are often used for making wines with a refreshing taste.(轻微酸味的葡萄常用来酿造口感清爽的葡萄酒。)

8. Herbs like sorrel add a subacid note to soups and sauces.(像酸模等草本植物为汤和酱料增添了轻微酸味。)

9. The subacid nature of the tomato balanced out the sweetness of the dish.(番茄的轻微酸味平衡了菜肴的甜度。)

10. Subacid beverages are becoming increasingly popular for their refreshing taste.(轻微酸味的饮料因其清爽的口感而越来越受欢迎。)

11. The chef used subacid vinegar in the marinade to tenderize the meat.(厨师在腌料中使用了轻微酸味的醋来使肉变得更加嫩滑。)

12. Subacid berries like blueberries are perfect for adding to desserts.(蓝莓等轻微酸味的浆果非常适合用来制作甜点。)

13. The subacid flavor of the green apple contrasted nicely with the sweetness of the caramel.(青苹果的轻微酸味与焦糖的甜味形成了很好的对比。)

14. Subacid oranges are often used for making marmalade due to their balanced tartness.(因为它们平衡的酸味,轻微酸味的橙子常用来制作果酱。)

15. This type of tea has a subacid note that adds complexity to its flavor.(这种茶具有轻微酸味的特点,使其口味更加复杂。)


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