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时间: 2024-09-21 02:13:39



1. It's unfortunate that he couldn't attend the ceremony due to illness. (由于病因他未能参加典礼,这真是一件令人惋惜的事情。)

2. The project faced unfortunate delays, pushing back the deadline. (项目不幸地遭遇了延误,推迟了最后期限。)

3. It's unfortunate that we missed the last train and had to take a taxi home. (我们不幸错过了最后一班火车,只好打车回家。)

4. She made an unfortunate decision that led to serious consequences. (她做了一个不幸的决定,导致了严重的后果。)

5. The accident was an unfortunate event that nobody could have predicted. (这次事故是一场不幸的事件,没有人能预料到。)

6. Losing the game in the last minute was an unfortunate turn of events. (在最后一分钟输掉比赛是一件不幸的事情。)

7. It's unfortunate that we didn't have enough time to prepare properly. (我们没有足够的时间来进行充分的准备,这是很不幸的。)

8. The cancellation of the flight was an unfortunate inconvenience for all the passengers. (航班取消给所有乘客带来了不幸的不便。)

9. His illness came at an unfortunate time, just before the important meeting. (他的病情发生在一个不幸的时候,就在重要会议之前。)

10. The restaurant's closure was an unfortunate result of financial difficulties. (餐馆关闭是财政困难的不幸结果。)

11. It's unfortunate that we couldn't reconcile our differences and move forward together. (我们不能调和分歧并共同前进,这是很不幸的。)

12. The error in the report was an unfortunate oversight that caused confusion. (报告中的错误是一个不幸的疏忽,导致了混淆。)

13. Missing the bus was an unfortunate start to an otherwise pleasant day. (错过公交车是本来愉快的一天开始的不幸。)

14. It's unfortunate that she misunderstood my intentions and got upset. (她误解了我的意图并感到不安,这是很不幸的。)

15. The closure of the factory was an unfortunate consequence of global economic changes. (工厂的关闭是全球经济变化的不幸后果。)


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