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时间: 2024-09-21 05:09:21



1. The landlord's demand for a year's rent in advance was unconscionable given the condition of the apartment. (考虑到公寓的状况,房东要求提前一年的租金是不合理的。)

2. It's unconscionable that they would charge such high fees for a simple service. (他们竟然对一项简单的服务收取如此高额的费用,真是令人不能接受的。)

3. The company's treatment of its employees was unconscionable, leading to a widespread outcry. (公司对待员工的方式令人难以接受,引发了广泛的抗议。)

4. It would be unconscionable for us to ignore the plight of refugees. (我们若置难民的困境于不顾,那将是不道德的。)

5. The judge found the contract terms to be unconscionable and ruled them unenforceable. (法官认为合同条款不合理,裁定其无效。)

6. It's unconscionable to take advantage of someone's generosity in such a way. (以这种方式利用别人的慷慨是不道德的。)

7. The company's pollution of the river was deemed unconscionable by environmental groups. (环保团体认为公司对河流的污染是不道德的。)

8. The attorney argued that the defendant's actions were unconscionable and should be penalized accordingly. (律师认为被告的行为是不道德的,应该相应受到惩罚。)

9. She faced criticism for her unconscionable disregard of safety regulations. (她因对安全规定的不可原谅的漠视而受到批评。)

10. The politician's corrupt dealings were described as unconscionable by his opponents. (政客的腐败行径被对手描述为不道德。)

11. The price hike during the crisis was seen as unconscionable profiteering. (危机期间的价格上涨被视为不道德的牟取暴利。)

12. The decision to cut healthcare benefits was met with accusations of unconscionable corporate greed. (削减医疗福利的决定引发了对企业贪婪不道德的指责。)

13. The company's refusal to compensate the victims was deemed unconscionable by the public. (公司拒绝赔偿受害者被公众认为是不道德的。)

14. It is unconscionable to leave vulnerable populations without access to basic necessities. (让弱势群体无法获得基本生活必需品是不道德的。)

15. The employee's dismissal without cause was regarded as unconscionable by labor unions. (工会认为无故解雇员工是不道德的。)


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