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时间: 2024-09-20 14:33:10



1. The acidity of the soil affects the growth of certain plants. (土壤的酸度影响某些植物的生长。)

2. She detected a hint of acidity in his tone. (她察觉到他语气中的一丝酸意。)

3. The acidity of the wine complemented the richness of the dish. (酒的酸度与菜肴的丰富味道相得益彰。)

4. The acidity of the lemon juice made the sauce tangy. (柠檬汁的酸度使得酱汁更加鲜美。)

5. The acidity of the rainwater was damaging the ancient statues. (雨水的酸度正在损害古代雕像。)

6. The acidity of the vinegar cut through the sweetness of the dessert. (醋的酸度中和了甜点的甜味。)

7. High acidity levels in the river are threatening aquatic life. (河流中的高酸度水平威胁着水生生物。)

8. The acidity of the battery determines its performance. (电池的酸度决定了其性能。)

9. The doctor explained that acidity in the stomach could cause discomfort. (医生解释说胃酸过多会引起不适。)

10. The acidity of her remarks surprised everyone at the meeting. (她的言论中的尖酸意味让会议上的每个人都感到惊讶。)

11. They measured the acidity of the solution using a pH meter. (他们用pH计测量了溶液的酸度。)

12. The acidity of the tomatoes gave the soup a refreshing tang. (番茄的酸度使得汤更加清新可口。)

13. The acidity of the fruit increased as it ripened. (随着水果成熟,其酸度增加。)

14. Winemakers carefully monitor the acidity of grapes during harvest. (酿酒师在收获时会仔细监控葡萄的酸度。)

15. He adjusted the acidity of the solution by adding a neutralizing agent. (他通过添加中和剂调整了溶液的酸度。)


上一个 【英语】acidify的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】acidulous的例句




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