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时间: 2024-09-20 14:05:39


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "aerosphere" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The aerosphere refers to the layers of gases surrounding the Earth, including the troposphere and stratosphere. (气圈指的是包围地球的气体层,包括对流层和平流层。)

2. Scientists study the aerosphere to understand how pollutants travel through the atmosphere. (科学家研究气圈,以了解污染物如何在大气中传播。)

3. Satellites orbit within the aerosphere, providing valuable data about weather patterns. (卫星在气圈内轨道运行,提供有关天气模式的宝贵数据。)

4. The aerosphere extends from the Earth's surface to about 1000 kilometers above. (气圈从地球表面延伸到大约1000公里以上。)

5. Aviation depends on stable conditions within the aerosphere for safe travel. (航空业依赖气圈内的稳定条件来确保安全旅行。)

6. The ozone layer is part of the aerosphere and protects life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. (臭氧层是气圈的一部分,保护地球上的生命免受有害的紫外线辐射。)

7. Understanding changes in the aerosphere is crucial for predicting climate trends. (了解气圈的变化对预测气候趋势至关重要。)

8. Solar energy is absorbed and reflected within the aerosphere, influencing global temperatures. (太阳能在气圈内被吸收和反射,影响全球温度。)

9. The study of the aerosphere involves complex interactions between gases, particles, and radiation. (对气圈的研究涉及气体、粒子和辐射之间复杂的相互作用。)

10. Weather balloons collect data from different levels of the aerosphere to improve weather forecasts. (气象气球从气圈不同层次收集数据,以改善天气预报。)

11. Aircraft encounter different conditions as they ascend through the aerosphere. (飞机在穿过气圈时会遇到不同的条件。)

12. The aerosphere plays a critical role in regulating Earth's climate and temperature. (气圈在调节地球的气候和温度方面发挥关键作用。)

13. Satellite communication relies on signals passing through the aerosphere to reach their destinations. (卫星通信依赖通过气圈到达目的地的信号。)

14. Understanding the dynamics of the aerosphere helps scientists predict and mitigate air pollution. (了解气圈的动态有助于科学家预测和减轻空气污染。)

15. Changes in the aerosphere can affect visibility and air quality in urban areas. (气圈的变化可以影响城市地区的能见度和空气质量。)


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