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时间: 2024-09-20 14:26:21



1. Our development team is very agile, allowing us to adapt quickly to changes.

- 我们的开发团队非常灵活,这让我们能迅速适应变化。

2. Agile methodologies emphasize iterative development and continuous feedback.

- 敏捷方法论强调迭代开发和持续反馈。

3. The company's agile approach helped them stay ahead of their competitors.

- 公司的敏捷方法帮助他们保持在竞争对手前面。

4. Agile teams hold regular stand-up meetings to discuss progress and challenges.

- 敏捷团队定期召开站会,讨论进展和挑战。

5. Being agile allows startups to pivot their business models quickly.

- 灵活性让初创公司能够迅速调整其商业模式。

6. The agile framework focuses on delivering value to customers through incremental improvements.

- 敏捷框架专注于通过逐步改进向客户提供价值。

7. She is known for her agile mind, able to solve problems on the spot.

- 她以思维灵活著称,能够当场解决问题。

8. Agile methods require strong communication and collaboration among team members.

- 敏捷方法要求团队成员之间有强有力的沟通和协作。

9. An agile organization can respond quickly to market demands.

- 一个灵活的组织能够迅速响应市场需求。

10. The agile development cycle involves planning, executing, and evaluating in short sprints.

- 敏捷开发周期包括在短期冲刺中进行计划、执行和评估。

11. Her agile reflexes helped her excel in competitive sports.

- 她灵活的反应能力帮助她在竞技体育中脱颖而出。

12. Adopting agile practices can lead to more efficient project management.

- 采纳敏捷实践可以使项目管理更加高效。

13. Agile processes support continuous improvement and adaptability.

- 敏捷流程支持持续改进和适应性。

14. His agile approach to problem-solving impressed the entire team.

- 他灵活的问题解决方法给整个团队留下了深刻的印象。

15. Agile software development encourages frequent delivery of functional software.

- 敏捷软件开发鼓励频繁交付功能完整的软件。


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