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时间: 2024-09-20 14:50:22



1. She published her autobiography last year, detailing her rise to fame and personal struggles. (她去年出版了她的自传,详细描述了她的成名历程和个人挣扎。)

2. His autobiography offers a candid insight into the political events of his time. (他的自传深入剖析了他所处时代的政治事件。)

3. Reading her autobiography made me realize how much she had overcome in her life. (读她的自传让我意识到她在生活中克服了多少困难。)

4. The autobiography was written in a remarkably honest and straightforward style. (这本自传以非常诚实和直接的风格写成。)

5. Her autobiography is filled with anecdotes from her childhood. (她的自传充满了她童年时期的趣事。)

6. Writing his autobiography was a cathartic experience for him. (写他的自传对他来说是一次宣泄性的体验。)

7. The autobiography traces her journey from poverty to success. (这本自传追溯了她从贫困到成功的旅程。)

8. His autobiography sheds light on the inspirations behind his greatest works. (他的自传揭示了他伟大作品背后的灵感。)

9. The autobiography was praised for its raw honesty and introspection. (这本自传因其赤裸的诚实和自省而受到赞扬。)

10. Reading Gandhi's autobiography provides profound insights into his philosophy of nonviolence. (阅读甘地的自传深入理解了他的非暴力哲学。)

11. The autobiography was translated into several languages due to its popularity. (由于其流行,这本自传被翻译成了多种语言。)

12. Her autobiography serves as an inspiration to many aspiring writers. (她的自传激励了许多有抱负的作家。)

13. The autobiography explores themes of identity and belonging. (这本自传探讨了身份和归属感的主题。)

14. The autobiography was a bestseller in the year of its release. (这本自传在发行年成为畅销书。)

15. Writing her autobiography allowed her to reflect on her life's accomplishments. (写她的自传让她反思她一生的成就。)


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