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时间: 2024-09-20 14:43:44


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "corpse" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The detectives found the corpse in the abandoned warehouse.

- 侦探们在废弃的仓库里找到了尸体。

2. The horror movie began with a chilling scene of a mutilated corpse.

- 恐怖电影以一个被肢解的尸体的惊悚场景开始。

3. The archaeologists unearthed a well-preserved corpse from ancient times.

- 考古学家们从古代挖掘出一个保存完好的尸体。

4. It was a crime scene littered with blood and the remains of the corpse.

- 现场布满了血迹和尸体的残骸。

5. The old graveyard was rumored to be haunted by restless corpses.

- 传说中,这个古老的墓地里鬼魂不安的尸体。

6. The mortician prepared the corpse for viewing at the funeral.

- 殡仪师为葬礼上的遗体进行了准备,让人们可以观看。

7. The forensic team examined the corpse to determine the cause of death.

- 法医团队检查尸体以确定死亡原因。

8. The novel described a murder mystery involving a missing corpse.

- 这部小说描述了一个涉及失踪尸体的谋杀案。

9. The ancient ritual involved mummifying the corpse for preservation.

- 古代的仪式包括为了保存而对尸体进行木乃伊化。

10. The artist used a corpse as a model for the sculpture.

- 艺术家以尸体为模特创作了雕塑。

11. The corpse was buried in a simple ceremony attended by family members.

- 尸体在家人参加的简单仪式上被埋葬了。

12. The smell of decay filled the air around the decaying corpse.

- 腐烂的尸体散发出的恶臭弥漫在空气中。

13. They identified the corpse through dental records and DNA testing.

- 他们通过牙齿记录和DNA测试确认了尸体的身份。

14. The shipwreck left behind a grim reminder in the form of floating corpses.

- 沉船留下了漂浮的尸体,成为一种令人不快的提醒。

15. The survivors stumbled upon a field littered with war-torn corpses.

- 幸存者们偶然发现了一个布满战乱尸体的战场。


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