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时间: 2024-09-21 03:56:37


Certainly! "Apocryphal" means something of doubtful authenticity or spurious. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The story of George Washington chopping down the cherry tree is widely considered apocryphal.

- 乔治·华盛顿砍樱桃树的故事被普遍认为是虚构的。

2. There are many apocryphal tales about the early years of famous historical figures.

- 许多关于历史名人早年生活的故事都是假的。

3. The apocryphal letter circulated online turned out to be a hoax.

- 网上流传的那封虚假信件原来是一个骗局。

4. The apocryphal manuscripts were discovered in a hidden chamber of the monastery.

- 那些伪经的手稿是在修道院的隐秘房间里发现的。

5. Urban legends often start as apocryphal stories that gain credibility over time.

- 城市传说往往是一开始的虚构故事,随着时间的推移变得越来越可信。

6. He shared an apocryphal tale about meeting a famous celebrity while traveling in Europe.

- 他分享了一则关于在欧洲旅行时遇见著名名人的虚构故事。

7. The apocryphal nature of the ancient manuscript cast doubt on its historical accuracy.

- 这份古老手稿的伪经性质使其历史准确性受到质疑。

8. She recounted an apocryphal story about how the town got its name.

- 她讲述了一个关于这个城镇如何得名的虚构故事。

9. Many details in the book are apocryphal and should be read with skepticism.

- 这本书中许多细节都是虚构的,应该持怀疑态度来阅读。

10. The apocryphal legend of buried treasure led many to search in vain for riches.

- 那个有关埋藏宝藏的虚构传说使许多人徒劳地寻找财富。

11. The apocryphal nature of the news story became evident when no reliable sources could verify it.

- 当没有可靠来源能证实这则新闻时,这则新闻的虚构性质变得显而易见。

12. He enjoys sharing apocryphal anecdotes that entertain rather than inform.

- 他喜欢分享那些以娱乐为主而不是信息为主的虚构轶事。

13. The apocryphal tales passed down through generations often take on mythical proportions.

- 代代相传的虚构故事往往变得神秘莫测。

14. The apocryphal text was excluded from the official canon of the church.

- 那些伪经的文本被排除在教会的正典之外。

15. Despite being labeled apocryphal, the legend continued to capture the imagination of many.

- 尽管被标为伪经,这个传说仍然吸引了许多人的想象力。


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