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时间: 2024-09-20 14:17:58



1. "The two projects are running concurrently, which may strain our resources." (这两个项目同时进行,可能会使我们的资源紧张。)

2. "Concurrent users accessing the server caused a slowdown in response times." (同时访问服务器的用户导致响应时间变慢。)

3. "He held two concurrent positions within the organization." (他在组织内担任了两个同时的职位。)

4. "The court imposed concurrent sentences for the two charges." (法院对两项指控判处了同时执行的刑罚。)

5. "Concurrent use of the medication and alcohol is not recommended." (不推荐同时使用药物和酒精。)

6. "The board meetings were scheduled concurrently with the shareholders' conference." (董事会会议与股东大会同时安排。)

7. "The professor teaches two concurrent courses this semester." (这学期教授同时教两门课程。)

8. "There was a lack of communication among the concurrent development teams." (同时进行开发的团队之间缺乏沟通。)

9. "The company faced challenges managing concurrent projects." (公司在管理同时进行的项目时面临挑战。)

10. "Her roles as a mother and CEO were difficult to manage concurrently." (她作为母亲和CEO的角色同时进行很难管理。)

11. "Concurrent events in different cities required careful coordination." (不同城市的同时举行的活动需要仔细协调。)

12. "The concurrent resolution was passed by both houses of Congress." (联席决议获得了国会两院通过。)

13. "We need to ensure that our systems can handle concurrent user access." (我们需要确保我们的系统能够处理同时的用户访问。)

14. "Concurrent production of the new model will begin next month." (新型号的同时生产将于下个月开始。)

15. "The team worked on concurrent iterations to improve the software." (团队同时进行迭代以改进软件。)


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