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时间: 2024-09-20 14:34:52


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "recurrent" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. His recurrent dreams of flying indicate a desire for freedom and escape.

- 他反复出现的飞行梦表明了他对自由和逃离的渴望。

2. She suffers from recurrent migraines, often triggered by stress.

- 她经常因压力引发的复发性偏头痛而受苦。

3. The company faces recurrent financial difficulties due to poor management.

- 由于管理不善,该公司面临着反复出现的财务困难。

4. His recurrent procrastination prevents him from completing tasks on time.

- 他反复的拖延导致他无法及时完成任务。

5. The novel explores themes of recurrent betrayal in personal relationships.

- 这部小说探讨了个人关系中反复出现的背叛主题。

6. There are recurrent errors in this report that need to be corrected.

- 这份报告中有反复出现的错误需要修正。

7. The patient experienced recurrent episodes of the same illness over several months.

- 患者在几个月内经历了同一疾病的反复发作。

8. She has a recurrent problem with her computer that keeps crashing unexpectedly.

- 她的电脑有一个反复出现的问题,总是意外崩溃。

9. The poem reflects on the recurrent theme of love and loss.

- 这首诗反映了爱与失落这一反复出现的主题。

10. He faces recurrent criticism for his controversial opinions.

- 他因其具有争议的观点而反复受到批评。

11. The recurrent meetings with his therapist helped him manage his anxiety.

- 与心理治疗师的反复会面帮助他管理焦虑情绪。

12. The team is struggling with recurrent issues related to communication.

- 团队正在为与沟通有关的反复问题而苦苦挣扎。

13. The novel's recurrent imagery creates a haunting atmosphere.

- 小说中反复出现的意象营造了一种令人不安的氛围。

14. The city faces recurrent flooding during the rainy season.

- 该市在雨季经常发生洪水灾害。

15. His recurrent forgetfulness is becoming a concern for his colleagues.

- 他反复的健忘正逐渐成为同事们的一个担忧。


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