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时间: 2024-09-21 10:22:37


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using the word "predicate" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The verb in a sentence typically serves as the predicate.

- 句子中的动词通常充当谓语。

2. In "She is happy," "is happy" is the predicate.

- 在句子“She is happy”中,“is happy”是谓语。

3. A complete sentence must contain both a subject and a predicate.

- 完整的句子必须包含主语和谓语。

4. "He runs fast" has "runs fast" as its predicate.

- 句子“He runs fast”中,“runs fast”是谓语。

5. Predicate adjectives describe the subject of a sentence.

- 谓语形容词描述句子的主语。

6. The main predicate in the sentence determines its tense.

- 句子中的主要谓语决定了其时态。

7. The professor asked us to identify the subject and predicate in each sentence.

- 教授要求我们找出每个句子中的主语和谓语。

8. Understanding predicates helps in constructing clear sentences.

- 理解谓语有助于构建清晰的句子。

9. "She painted a beautiful picture" has "painted a beautiful picture" as its predicate.

- 句子“She painted a beautiful picture”中,“painted a beautiful picture”是谓语。

10. The predicate of a sentence can contain multiple verbs.

- 句子的谓语可以包含多个动词。

11. The predicate usually tells what the subject does or is.

- 谓语通常说明主语做什么或者是什么状态。

12. A compound predicate includes more than one action or state.

- 复合谓语包括多个动作或状态。

13. Predicate nouns rename or identify the subject of a sentence.

- 谓语名词重新命名或确定句子的主语。

14. "They are good friends" has "are good friends" as its predicate.

- 句子“They are good friends”中,“are good friends”是谓语。

15. To analyze a sentence fully, one must understand its subject and predicate.

- 要全面分析一个句子,必须理解其主语和谓语。


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