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时间: 2024-09-20 17:15:21


1. The electric current flows through the circuit. (电流通过电路流动。)

2. The circuit was overloaded and caused a power outage. (电路过载导致停电。)

3. He designed a new circuit for the electronic device. (他设计了一个新的电子设备电路。)

4. The circuit board was damaged and needed to be replaced. (电路板损坏了,需要更换。)

5. The circuit breaker tripped and shut off the power. (保险丝跳闸,切断了电源。)

6. The circuit was completed, and the light turned on. (电路闭合,灯亮了。)

7. The engineer tested the circuit for any faults. (工程师检测电路是否有故障。)

8. The circuit diagram showed the connections between the components. (电路图显示了各组件之间的连接。)

9. The circuit was wired incorrectly, causing a short circuit. (电路接线错误,导致短路。)

10. The circuitry was complex and required careful assembly. (电路复杂,需要仔细组装。)

11. 电流通过电路流动。

12. 电路过载导致停电。

13. 他设计了一个新的电子设备电路。

14. 电路板损坏了,需要更换。

15. 保险丝跳闸,切断了电源。

16. 电路闭合,灯亮了。

17. 工程师检测电路是否有故障。

18. 电路图显示了各组件之间的连接。

19. 电路接线错误,导致短路。

20. 电路复杂,需要仔细组装。

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