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时间: 2024-09-20 13:12:37


Certainly! 这里有关于 "deduction" 的例句以及它们的中文解释:

1. She made a deduction from her paycheck for taxes. (她从工资单中扣除了税款。)

2. His deduction was based on careful analysis of the data. (他的推论基于对数据的仔细分析。)

3. The detective's deduction led to the arrest of the suspect. (侦探的推理导致了嫌疑人的逮捕。)

4. We can make a deduction about their intentions from their actions. (我们可以从他们的行动中推断出他们的意图。)

5. The deduction of expenses from revenue resulted in a net profit. (从收入中扣除费用后,得到了净利润。)

6. His deductions were logical and well-supported. (他的推论逻辑清晰且有充分的支持。)

7. The deduction of points for late submission was clearly outlined in the rules. (迟交作业扣分的规定在规则中明确说明了。)

8. The tax deduction reduced his overall tax liability. (税收减免降低了他的总税负。)

9. Sherlock Holmes was famous for his deductive reasoning. (福尔摩斯因其演绎推理而闻名。)

10. The deduction of time spent commuting was considerable. (通勤时间的扣除是相当可观的。)

11. The deduction of marks for incorrect answers penalized careless mistakes. (因错误答案而扣分惩罚了粗心的错误。)

12. Our deduction is that they will arrive late due to traffic. (我们的推断是因为交通堵塞他们会迟到。)

13. The deduction from his salary was unexpected and unwelcome. (对他薪水的扣除是出乎意料且不受欢迎的。)

14. Based on the evidence, the deduction was that the fire was deliberately set. (根据证据,推断是火灾是故意引起的。)

15. The deduction of the membership fee was automatically processed. (会费的扣除是自动处理的。)

希望这些例句能帮到你理解 "deduction" 这个词的用法和意义!

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