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时间: 2024-09-20 13:02:58



1. The disaffected workers protested against the new labor laws. (失望的工人抗议新的劳工法。)

2. He became increasingly disaffected with the management's decisions. (他对管理层的决定越来越不满。)

3. The disaffected youth formed their own political movement. (失望的年轻人组成了自己的政治运动。)

4. Disaffected voters boycotted the election. (失望的选民抵制了选举。)

5. The disaffected students organized a sit-in to protest tuition hikes. (失望的学生组织了静坐以抗议学费上涨。)

6. Many disaffected citizens turned to social media to voice their grievances. (许多失望的公民转向社交媒体表达他们的不满。)

7. Disaffected employees began looking for other job opportunities. (失望的员工开始寻找其他的工作机会。)

8. The disaffected minority demanded equal rights. (失望的少数群体要求平等权利。)

9. She felt disaffected after her ideas were repeatedly dismissed. (她的想法一再被忽视后感到失望。)

10. The disaffected residents protested against the construction of the new highway. (失望的居民抗议新公路的建设。)

11. Disaffected shareholders called for a change in company leadership. (失望的股东呼吁公司领导层进行变革。)

12. Disaffected customers switched to a competitor's product. (失望的顾客转向竞争对手的产品。)

13. The disaffected members of the community felt marginalized. (社区中的失望成员感到被边缘化。)

14. Disaffected soldiers staged a mutiny against their commanding officer. (失望的士兵对他们的指挥官发动了叛乱。)

15. Disaffected patients criticized the quality of healthcare services. (失望的患者批评医疗服务的质量。)


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